Everything about MindTrails

MindTrails Project

MindTrails Project is a JS/JAVA library for online, longitudinal psychological/interventional research studies. It is/will be optimal to incorporate features like dynamic scheduling, cross-device/progress tracking, and on-the-fly machine learning (ML) enabled manipulation, etc.. It comes with a dual-server design that well suits studies that involved sensitive data like personal information and medical record. For full documentation, please see MindTrails Project.


MTData is a command-line tool for handling data from the MindTrails (or MindTrails-liked) project. It covers issues from exporting data from the front end server to daily/weekly data integrity checking, and will be extended to generate basic reports. For full documentation, please see MTData.

Data Cookbook for MTData

Previously the Best Practice for MindTrails Dataset with MTData. See Data CookBook for full documentation and examples.